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Motivation to Move

Patient perseveres through difficult time with the help of a TIC Physical Therapist.

This story and quotes were created in partnership with the patient. With respect to her privacy, the patient's name has been changed to Alice.

The last few years have been a challenging time for Alice.

For three years, Alice has battled ongoing dizziness, imbalance, and fainting with no explanation. She met with multiple physicians at other practices and lost the motivation to exercise after being told she would likely “break a hip” if she moved too much.

“For years, I’ve dealt with many doctors, and came to the conclusion that these things just happen when you get older,” said Alice. “Knowing friends had gone to The Iowa Clinic for similar issues and were happy with their treatment, we decided to try a new avenue of healthcare and have been very happy with it!”

tara reinders

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Showing up to her first appointment with Tara Reinders, PT , Alice was discouraged and nervous. Tara sensed her hesitancy but listened to what would motivate her and gave her reassurance to move forward with next steps. Alice started the program with a few manageable exercises she could do every day from home. Along with these movements, Alice was asked to write down things she was thankful for, and her “why” for doing the work required.

“You can really make a difference, and it’s very rewarding,” said Tara. “You just have to listen to their story, find out what’s missing, and what they want to achieve. That’s why we (i.e., physical therapists) go into this field”.

A month went by, and Alice had not been seen in the clinic. Tara became worried and reached out to Alice. She had been ill and once again lost motivation to continue treatment. After an encouraging phone call, Tara convinced Alice to come back in to see her again.

“I didn’t want to do this anymore,” Alice said. “Tara’s phone call changed that view for me. It was her call that said, ‘Alice, she’s trying to help you’. When I got discouraged, I didn’t feel like anybody cared. Tara did care and the call was what I needed to move forward.”

Alice was able to find some resolution to her dizziness and imbalance with the help of blood pressure medication. She also met with Foot and Ankle Surgeon Jennifer Hall, DPM, who removed a painful in-grown toenail and has allowed her to easily continue her treatment. With the great support system of her husband and son, Alice continues to do her daily exercises and works to provide the same encouragement and uplifting support to fellow residents in her assisted living facility, as well as through her ministry efforts.

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