Start the school year with an A+! Schedule your child's back-to-school physical online with an Iowa Clinic provider.

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Articles by "primary care"

Featured Internal Medicine Managing Your Medication Through Coordinated Care Understanding how your medications could interact and how to best manage your prescriptions to avoid any negative interactions can be difficult, but the coordinated care model at The Iowa Clinic makes it easy. Gastroenterology What a Pain: The Truth about Diverticulitis Your gut health is complex and can affect a wide range of bodily functions including mood, sleep and the immune system. So, when you are experiencing stomach issues, it's important you get the answers you need. But with all the possible stomach issues and conditions, how can you tell when your upset stomach and abdominal pain is being caused by something more serious? Primary Care Building a Relationship With Your Primary Care Provider Taking a more active role in your healthcare and finding a doctor you trust helps ensure you get the care you need when you need it. Gastroenterology What Is IBS & How Is It Treated? Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic gastrointestinal condition that affects millions of Americans. Your doctor can help you find relief. Family Medicine How Can Osteopathic Medicine Help Me? For patients suffering from chronic pain, osteopathic manipulation medicine (OMM) can provide much-needed relief. Here's what you need to know about how OMM can help and how you can work with your doctor to receive OMM treatment. Primary Care Is it a Sore Throat - or COVID? Check Your Sore Throat Symptoms Is it a sore throat, strep throat, or COVID? Learn symptoms, remedies, and when it's time to call the doctor. Primary Care Learn the signs and symptoms of strep throat and when it's time to call the doctor. Strep throat, sore throat, or COVID-19? Know when a sore throat is more than a sore throat, and when it's time to see the doctor. Pediatrics Heads Up! Why Every Parent and Coach Should Know How to Spot a Concussion Head injuries can happen to kids of any age. Your parental instincts are important in identifying the signs of a concussion. Family Medicine Stay Safe Outside this Summer & Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illness While heat poses a risk, the real threat comes with high humidity. Listen to your body and watch for telltale signs of those around you. Pediatrics Why Your Child Needs a Physical Every Year An annual physical exam isn't just for school or sports — it's important for your child's health. Primary Care Pancreatic Cancer: Vague Symptoms Hide a Deadly Disease It's one of the most dangerous types of cancer. Yet there's no easily recognizable warning signs or routine screening available to catch it early. Obstetrics & Gynecology 7 Questions New Moms Have About Breastfeeding for the First Time Babies come with a lot of questions — starting with how to feed them. Get answers to the most common queries mothers have about nursing their newborns.
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