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Allergy Shot Clinic


The Iowa Clinic Allergy Shot Clinic offers allergen immunotherapy, which involves injecting small amounts of specific allergens into the body to cure allergies over time. Each injection contains enough allergen to stimulate your immune system and teach it to be tolerant to these agents.

How Allergy Tests Work

Your provider will perform an initial allergy test by using a skin or blood test to determine which specific allergies cause your signs and symptoms. During the test, a small amount of the suspected allergen is scratched onto your skin, which is then observed after 15-20 minutes. Swelling and redness would then indicate an allergy to the substance, which will direct the appropriate course of care. 

Allergy shots are given on a schedule that involves two phases. The buildup phase typically takes three to six months, with shots being given one to two times a week and the dose gradually increasing with each shot. The maintenance phase continues for an additional three to five years, with shots administered once a month. 

Over time, this exposure will help the body build up a tolerance to the allergen, eventually reducing the severity of your response, and then curing you of your allergies. Frequency and duration of treatment depends on the individual patient and severity of the allergy, but getting your shots on a regular basis will decrease the likelihood of any reactions from occurring. 

Indications for allergy immunotherapy include:

  • Seasonal allergies — including pollens released by trees, grasses, or weeds.
  • Indoor allergies — including dust mites, mold, or pet dander.
  • Insect stings — including reactions triggered by bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets.
  • Allergy-induced asthma
  • Eczema/Atopic dermatitis

*Allergy shots are not indicated for food allergies. 

Your provider may recommend allergy shots as a treatment choice if you: 

  • Have medication that doesn’t control your symptoms well or has side effects. 
  • Have unavoidable allergy triggers. 
  • Have severe reactions to insect stings.
  • Want to reduce long-term use of allergy medication. 
  • Want a long-term solution to your allergy and asthma problems.

By appointment only, no walk-ins at this time, however once you are an established allergy shot patient, online scheduling is available.

West Des Moines: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Ankeny: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

If you’re interested in allergy shots, the first step is to make a clinic visit with a board-certified allergy immunologist to discuss your symptoms & get tested. Schedule online today to get started.