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Nonallergic Rhinitis


What is nonallergic rhinitis?

Nonallergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis) is a condition that causes chronic sneezing, congestion, runny nose, or postnasal drainage. While these symptoms are similar to those of allergic rhinitis (environmental allergies), nonallergic rhinitis is different because, unlike an allergy, it doesn’t involve the immune system. 

What causes nonallergic rhinitis?

This condition is often triggered by environmental irritants such as strong odors, changes in temperature or humidity, smoke, and pollution. It can also be triggered by physical activity, eating a meal, certain medications, and stress.

How is nonallergic rhinitis diagnosed?

It is important to have an accurate diagnosis so you can manage your condition appropriately. Because the symptoms are so similar, allergy testing is often recommended to rule out allergic rhinitis.

Treatment of nonallergic rhinitis

While there isn’t a cure for nonallergic rhinitis, most people find relief by avoiding triggers, using over-the-counter medications, or prescriptions medications.

If you have the above symptoms and want to get some relief, schedule an appointment online with our board-certified allergists or call 515.875.9450.