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Hip Injuries & Pain

Your hips may hurt no matter what you do — sit, stand, move, lay immobile. Meet with an orthopaedic surgeon to discover what pain relief method may be best for you.

* When scheduling, inform our office if you are seeking a second opinion. If able, please send medical records and imaging prior to your visit.

Schedule Online Call 515.875.9908 to Schedule

Hip Injury Procedures We Provide

Whether you need a new hip or are replacing a replacement, our surgeons use the latest techniques and prosthetic technology to ease your recovery and improve your quality of life after surgery.


Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement)

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Hip Injury & Pain Physicians & Providers

Barry, Kawsu

Barry, Kawsu, MD

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Johnson, Moriah

Johnson, Moriah, PA-C

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Kim, Christopher

Kim, Christopher, MD

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