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Elbow Injuries

Our team specializes in major elbow injuries resulting from throwing, repetitive motion or serious blows to the joint.

* When scheduling, inform our office if you are seeking a second opinion. If able, please send medical records and imaging prior to your visit.

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Elbow Injuries We Treat

Our orthopedic surgeons are experts in elbows. If you've suffered an injury from throwing, falling, instability, inflammation, repetitive motion or a serious blow, we can help restore your elbow's wide range of motion.


Throwing Elbow Injuries

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UCL Tears

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Elbow Injury Procedures We Provide

Your elbow allows for a wide range of motion throughout your arm. Whether you need Tommy John surgery or a fracture repair, we have an equally wide range of procedures to help.


Elbow Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair & Reconstruction

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Elbow Injury Physicians & Providers

Kim, Christopher

Kim, Christopher, MD

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