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Genitofemoral Compression


What is genitofemoral compression?

The genitofemoral nerve is what provides sensation to your groin and inner thigh. If this nerve becomes irritated or compressed, it results in genitofemoral compression which can cause numbness, pain or burning sensations.

Why is physical therapy important for genitofemoral compression?

Prior to starting a treatment plan, your physical therapist will evaluate your mobility, flexibility and strength to determine the severity of the nerve compression. They will also likely ask you to explain any uncomfortable sensations you have been feeling because of this nerve. From there, your provider will put together a plan that will best fit your specific needs and goals.

To help decrease pain from genitofemoral compression, your therapist may use a combination of different therapy methods. It will likely start with education on possible causes of the nerve compression as well as educating on methods to improve posture and ergonomic principles. They will also provide methods to help alleviate existing pain at home while still working through your treatment plan.

Two different methods that your therapist may introduce include manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. Manual therapy involves your therapist using hands-on techniques to help release tension around the compressed nerve. Therapeutic exercises may be implemented to help strengthen weak muscles while also improving flexibility and improving posture and alignment. Neuromuscular re-education may become necessary to help retrain your nervous system while also improving coordination. 

Benefits of physical therapy for genitofemoral compression:

The best way for you to get the most out of physical therapy is to stay dedicated to any at-home work that you are assigned and staying patient with the process. Additionally, it’s crucial that you communicate with your PT if any new areas of pain arise so they can help adjust your treatment plan accordingly. When following what your PT has provided as a treatment plan, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Decreased pain in the groin and pelvic region.
  • Lowered risk of this happening again.
  • Increased mobility, strength and flexibility.
  • Increased quality of life.

If any of the information above resonates with you and the pain you may be experiencing, book an appointment with one of the Iowa Clinic’s certified physical therapists by scheduling online or calling 515.875.9706.