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Blood Flow Restriction Training


What is blood flow restriction training?

Blood flow restriction training is a technique that involves applying a specialized cuff to the arm or leg to partially restrict blood flow while performing low-intensity exercises. By applying the right amount of external pressure, it can help patients to make greater strength training gains while lifting lighter loads, reducing the overall stress placed on the limb.

Who can benefit from BFR?

Blood flow restriction training is particularly beneficial for patients who:

  • Cannot tolerate heavy loads due to injury, surgery, or chronic pain.
  • Have a chronic pain condition, such as osteoarthritis.
  • Are undergoing post-surgical rehabilitation, especially after ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, or joint replacements.
  • Want to enhance muscle strength and endurance with minimal joint impact.

BFR may not be suitable for people with cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, varicose veins, or certain vascular conditions.

Blood Flow Restriction Training Providers

Zach Kaufman, PT

Kaufman, Zach, PT

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Nathan Sanders

Sanders, Nathan, PT

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