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Graston Technique or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)


What is the Graston (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)) Technique?

The Graston Technique, also known as "Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, or IASTM, is the use of convex and concaved shaped stainless-steel tools to provide a manual massage like therapy. Its primary use is to break up tissue or other areas in the body that seem restricted. The use of a graston device allows for a deeper massage than your typical manual massage therapy you might receive.

Why should I consider the Graston Technique?

Similar to dry needling, graston devices are used to target specific areas of the body where motion is restricted or pain is occurring. This tool assisted therapy typically focuses on breaking up tissue or loosening the muscle with the goal of increased mobility.

There is not a single condition or set of conditions that could lead to you needing the Graston Technique. If you have pulled a muscle, ligament, fascia or tendon, your physical therapist may recommend this as a starting solution. While it’s possible that this technique could fully resolve any pain you’re experiencing, other techniques or treatment methods may be necessary to fully release the affected joint. 

What to expect from the Graston Technique:

Everyone will need to approach the use of graston differently based on where the injury is located as well as the severity of the injury. For some, results could be instant while others it may take a few appointments to start fully feeling the impact. The key here is to be patient. 

If you’re experiencing any muscle or joint discomfort, contact our physical therapy team by calling 515.875.9706 or schedule online today.