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Bravo Esophageal pH Test


Bravo Esophageal pH Test

To determine if you have GERD or how effective your GERD treatment is, you may undergo a Bravo esophageal pH test. This pH test measures and monitors how much and how often acid is present in your esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach). 


To prepare for this test, speak with a provider about all medications you are currently taking. Your doctor will determine if you will need to cease taking them prior to the test to help provide the most accurate results. Additionally, you will want to speak with your doctor about any known esophageal problems you have had or a history of bleeding. About six hours before the test you will want to stop eating and drinking.


A small, dissolvable capsule is attached to your esophagus during an upper endoscopy and has a pH sensor that measures the acidity in the esophagus. It transmits to a pager-like device you wear, and you also record any time you have GERD symptoms and what you eat, when you rest, etc. You are able to complete this test as you go about your normal day. This a very safe and minimally invasive test that typically is around 24-48 hours long.


Once you have completed the Bravo Esophageal pH test, the capsule will detach from your esophagus and pass through your digestive system, eventually leaving your body through a bowel movement. Following the test, a gastroenterologist will provide a report based on the previous symptoms and the data collected during the test.