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Pancreatic Cysts


What are pancreatic cysts?

Pancreatic cysts are fluid filled pockets that can be found in or on your pancreas. The pancreas is an organ found behind your abdomen that works with the digestive system while also controlling blood sugar. A pancreatic cyst can be either benign or cancerous and the symptoms and treatment will vary depending on your diagnosis.

There are many different types of pancreatic cysts and they are all unique in their own way with symptoms and treatment. Below are a few of the most common types of pancreatic cysts.

  • Pseudocysts: typically benign and caused by a case of acute or chronic pancreatitis.
  • Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms: develop in the pancreatic ducts and have a higher risk of being cancerous.
  • Mucinous cystic neoplasms: a cyst filled with a thick fluid that is more frequently found in women and can become cancerous if not treated.
  • Serous cystic neoplasms (serous cystadenomas): typically benign with minimal symptoms.

What causes pancreatic cysts?

The most common causes of pancreatic cysts are injuries to the pancreas and pancreatitis (due to inflammation). On a rarer occasion pancreatic cysts have also been connected to polycystic kidney disease and cystic fibrosis. If you were born with or have a congenital syndrome you will want to speak with your provider to see if you’re at higher risk for receiving a pancreatic cyst.

What are symptoms of pancreatic cysts?

All pancreatic cyst symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the cyst as well as the type of cyst. Some of the most common symptoms that can be experienced include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Jaundice
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Unexplained weight loss

When going to a doctor after experiencing pancreatic cyst like symptoms, they will review your medical history and then may request a CT scan, ultrasound or MRI to help further diagnosis the underlying cause. If a cyst is detected to be cancerous, a biopsy will also be conducted.

What are treatment options for pancreatic cysts?

If you’re diagnosed with a benign cyst, it is likely that no treatment will be required and your provider will recommend having it heal itself with time. If the cyst is larger and causing any excessive pain or not healing, your doctor will use an endoscope to drain the cyst. If necessary, surgery can be done to fully remove the cyst.