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Physical Therapy Consult


What can I expect during my physcial therapy consult?

A physical therapy (PT) consult involves meeting with one of our physical therapist to assess and address musculoskeletal or movement-related concerns. 

Here's an overview of what you can expect during your physical therapy consult:


The physical therapist will begin by evaluating your condition or concern. This typically involves a comprehensive assessment of your medical history, symptoms, range of motion, strength, flexibility, balance, posture, and functional abilities. The physical therapist may use various tests and measures to gather information about your condition and its impact on your daily life.

Goal Setting

Based on the evaluation and your specific needs and goals, the physical therapist will work with you to establish realistic and measurable objectives for your physical therapy treatment. These goals may include pain reduction, increased mobility, improved strength and flexibility, improved balance and coordination, or enhanced overall functional abilities.

Treatment Plan

The physical therapist will develop a personalized treatment plan based on the evaluation findings and your goals. The plan may include a variety of interventions and techniques, such as therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, stretching, joint mobilization, balance training, modalities (e.g., heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation), and education on self-management strategies.

Hands-on Techniques

Physical therapists often employ hands-on techniques as part of their treatment approach. This may involve therapeutic massage, joint mobilization or manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, or other manual therapy techniques to improve mobility, reduce pain, and facilitate healing.

Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises are a fundamental component of physical therapy. The physical therapist will prescribe specific exercises to address your condition, focusing on improving strength, flexibility, endurance, and functional abilities. These exercises may be performed in the clinic under the therapist's guidance and may also be incorporated into a home exercise program for you to continue between sessions.

Patient Education

Physical therapists play an essential role in educating our patients about their condition, teaching proper body mechanics and movement techniques, and providing strategies for preventing further injury or managing symptoms. They may also provide guidance on ergonomic modifications, activity modification, and lifestyle changes to support your recovery and long-term well-being.

Follow-up and Monitoring

Depending on the nature and severity of your condition, you may require multiple physical therapy sessions over a specified period. The physical therapist will monitor your progress, reassess your condition regularly, and adjust the treatment plan as needed to ensure you are making optimal progress toward your goals.

Throughout the physical therapy consult and subsequent treatment sessions, our physical therapists will communicate with you, answer your questions, and provide guidance and support to help you achieve the best possible outcomes. Their expertise and individualized approach can help improve your mobility, function, and overall quality of life.