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Executive Health

Taking Care of Your Company by Taking Care of Yourself

Business leaders who tend to their own healthcare needs are more valuable to their business and employees than those who do not.

businessman meeting with doctor and nurse

Gone are the days of the executive focused only on work. Or at least they should be. The best business leaders are ones who make time for self-care, especially healthcare. This sets a positive example for employees and encourages them to attend to their own health needs. But how do you get started? You may want to consider enrolling in an executive health program.

What Is Executive Health?

Executive health helps business leaders carve time out of their busy schedules to prioritize healthcare. Some executive health programs are multi-day events. However, the executive health program at The Iowa Clinic is designed to help you prioritize your health in just a single day.

“When we designed our executive health program we looked at the great programs offered through top medical providers across the nation,” says Jodi Schweiger, Executive Director of Business Development at The Iowa Clinic. “Because we’re a multi-specialty medical group, we have the opportunity to provide something local that can deliver in a more efficient manner.”

At the core of the executive health program is a comprehensive exam. A head-to-toe check that you can get done all in one day and in one building. This includes testing, in-depth conversations with a doctor of your choice, wellness options and same-day test results plus discussion time.

The Iowa Clinic’s executive health department also has dedicated team members who work with employers and individuals to discuss billing options and whether or not to bill insurance.

What Are the Benefits of Executive Health?

From a top-level employer perspective, executive health can be introduced as both a part of the company’s risk management plan and as a way to promote senior employee retention. From an executive-level employee perspective, the benefits are more direct — and possibly life-saving.

Address Your Health Needs in Minimal Time

You have a lot to accomplish. It can be difficult to take time away from work for vacation, let alone to spend a day at the doctor’s office. The Iowa Clinic has refined its executive health program to provide the most comfortable experience possible in the shortest amount of time. Our standard lets you get a comprehensive exam and same-day tests results in around six to seven hours.

“Unless you require follow-up testing, need a colonoscopy or we discover a health issue, you’ll hopefully be all set for the year,” Schweiger says. “One day a year to get checked out isn’t too time consuming for most people.”

Catch Serious Health Issues Before Symptoms Occur

Regular comprehensive health exams can catch more serious medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease or different types of cancer while they are still treatable. Schweiger says that she can think of several examples where an executive received a life-saving diagnosis.

“We’ve had situations where a patient needed to see a cardiologist right away because they had blockages or where we got them to oncology right after discovering different types of cancers,” Schweiger says. “When you can avoid a heart attack or catch cancer early —that creates a lifelong impact.”

Motivate Others on Your Team to Stay Healthy

“When you're healthier and performing at the top of your game it’s like wildfire,” Schweiger says. “People sense that energy and it spreads from the top-down. People are also more motivated to take care of themselves. When you prioritize health it creates a culture where employees can flourish. This often results in an overall increase in performance, sales and productivity.”

Research has shown that a positive work environment can lead to dramatic benefits.

Reduce Costs Tied to Healthcare Down the Road

When you catch major health issues earlier on the course of treatment may not be as severe. In addition, a primary care physician can help you plan for positive lifestyle changes. These changes can benefit your own personal health and productivity, as well as your company’s bottom line.

Experience Executive Health at The Iowa Clinic

We recognize that sometimes you have to put in the extra hours. But when you neglect your health, you’re doing a disservice to yourself, your employees and anyone else in your life who is important to you. You won’t be as efficient, and you won’t be making the best decisions. Enrolling in the executive health program at The Iowa Clinic is an easy first step toward better health.

Call 515.875.9855 to request an appointment or access more information on our website.