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Assistive Listening Devices


Assistive Listening Devices

For those who are deemed needing further assistance with their hearing, assistive listening devices (ALDs) are designed to help individuals with hearing impairments through direct sound amplification. Common types of assistive listening devices include:

  • TV ears – A listening headset that gives you a better volume and sound quality from your television speakers.
  • Amplified telephones – Specifically-designed phones that make it easier to hear speech more clearly.
  • Captioned telephones – Phones with screens that visually display the conversation so you can read and follow along.
  • Assisted Listening Systems for public settings – Devices at church, musicals, plays, and other venues that are tuned into the sound system to assist the hearing impaired.
  • Remote microphones – Devices that send speaker’s voice directly to the hearing aid(s).
  • TV streamers – Device that sends sound from TV directly to the hearing aid(s).