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Lab Tests During Pregnancy


Why do I need lab tests during pregnancy?

At one of your initial visits for this pregnancy you will need to have these recommended laboratory tests. These tests are used to monitor the health of the mother and fetus and to screen for potential problems. 

At The Iowa Clinic, our lab is conveniently located at both our West Des Moines and Ankeny campuses.

These tests are intended to assist us with providing you and your developing baby proper care. If you decline recommended testing, please request a waiver from your nurse.

What lab tests are recommended during pregnancy?

The following tests are recommended for all patients:

Blood Type and Rh

This test is used to determine the mother's blood type and Rh factor. Rh incompatibility can occur when the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the baby has a positive Rh factor. This can lead to complications during pregnancy and delivery.

Antibody Screen

This test looks for certain antibodies, special proteins made by your immune system, in your blood. Some antibodies can be passed from you into your baby's bloodstream, where they could do harm. Antibody screening lets you and your doctor know if you have any of these, so you can take steps to protect your developing baby

Hemogram and Platelet

Also known as a Complete Blood Count (CBC). A CBC measures the different types of cells in the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It can be used to detect anemia, infection, and other blood disorders.

Infectious disease screening including:

  • Rubella (German Measles)
  • VDLR (Syphilis)
  • HBsAg (Hepatitis B) 
  • HIV
  • Chlamydia Screen
  • Gonorrhea Screen

Urine Culture

This is typically screened early in pregnancy, between the 8th and 16th week. The doctor will collect a urine sample to be sent to the lab to be cultured. This sample can help your doctor identify the type and number of bacteria that may be present.

Pap Smear 

This test may be recommended depending upon age and date of last pap.

Glucose Testing

This test is used to screen for gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy. It is usually done between 24-28 weeks but may be recommended earlier if certain risk factors are present.

When are lab tests performed during pregnancy?

The timing of lab tests during pregnancy varies depending on the test. Some tests, such as the CBC and blood type and Rh factor test, are typically performed at the first prenatal visit. Other tests, such as the glucose screening and GBS culture, are performed later in pregnancy.

Who should get lab tests during pregnancy?

All pregnant women should get lab tests to monitor their health and the health of their fetus. However, there are certain groups of women who are at higher risk for certain problems and may need additional testing. 

These groups include women who:

  • Have a history of certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Have a family history of certain genetic disorders
  • Are carrying twins or multiples
  • Are over the age of 35

If you have any questions or concerns about lab tests during pregnancy, please talk to your doctor.