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Peyronie's Disease


What is Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease is most often identified as a condition that causes curved and painful erections of the penis. In some men, this curvature and pain may be extremely significant.

The cause of Peyronie’s disease comes from the formation of fibrous scar tissue in the penis, either from injury or a connective tissue disorder. While this scar tissue is noncancerous, the formation of it will rarely go away on its own, and it can make getting or maintaining an erection and intercourse difficult.

What are the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease?

When it comes to the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, the most common include a significant bend of the penis, erectile dysfunction, scar tissue, pain, and/or a shortening of the penis. These symptoms can appear slowly over time or suddenly in an individual.  

Some of the symptoms of the disease, including penile curvature and shortening, can worsen or remain if treatment isn’t sought. If you have symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, it’s important that you talk to your medical provider about the best course of treatment.

How is Peyronie’s disease diagnosed?

After talking about your symptoms and sexual health concerns, a urologist will perform a physical exam to feel for any scarring in your penis. It might also be necessary for the provider to evaluate your penis as it is erected, so an injection may be given to temporarily make your penis erect and any curvature or pain can be noted.

If necessary, the use of ultrasound can also be used to help diagnose Peyronie’s disease. The ultrasound can provide imaging, allowing your provider to see where the scarring is located. It can also help identify if any calcium buildup is present and the blood flow within the penis.

Peyronie’s disease can be diagnosed into two stages–acute Peyronie’s disease or chronic Peyronie’s disease.

  • Acute Peyronie’s disease typically lasts for six to 12 months, with scar formation and curvature and/or pain present.
  • Chronic Peyronie’s disease is when the scar tissue is no longer forming and the curvature of the penis will not worsen. The pain may or may not subside during this stage and is most often present if erectile dysfunction has also developed.

What are the treatment options for Peyronie’s disease?

A variety of treatment options are available for Peyronie’s disease and can vary based on the severity and length of your symptoms. 

Some of the treatments available at The Iowa Clinic for Peyronie’s disease include medication (medical injections or oral medications), traction therapy, and penile implants.

These treatments may take several weeks or months to help alleviate symptoms and often have better outcomes the earlier they are started.


Acute Peyronie’s disease can be managed with medications, either those taken by mouth or through an injection into your penis. These medications can help blood flow in the penis or break down scar tissue. While they might not lead to a completely straight penis, they can help reduce the symptoms associated with Peyronie’s disease.

Traction therapy

Traction therapy is often used to help improve the curvature, length and erection hardness of your penis. It often uses an external device to stretch or bend your penis in the opposite direction of the curvature to help break apart the scar tissue and side effects are generally minimal when used properly.

Penile implant

A penile implant is an inflatable device that is placed in your penis during a surgical procedure. This device is completely concealed and makes it possible for you to have a straight erection without the use of medications. It is typically the best surgical approach for you if your body does not respond to medications and there is a significant curve in your penis, making intercourse uncomfortable and/or difficult.