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Well Child Exams for Newborns, Infants and Toddlers


Well Child Exams for Newborns, Infants and Toddlers

Regular well-child check-ups play a vital role in monitoring your child’s health and development from infancy through adolescence. Having routine visits with your pediatrician or healthcare provider are crucial for not only maintaining a healthy baby, but for preventative care, early detection of potential health issues, and fostering healthy habits. 

We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) periodicity schedule for well-child visits at the following ages:

  • 3-5 days
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 3-18 years (annually)

What to Expect at a Well Child Exam

These routine well-child checks track your child’s growth, development, and health – both physically and mentally. It’s also a time to ask questions and make your pediatrician aware of any concerns. Most importantly, well-child checks include preventative medicine to keep your child healthy and avoid disease.

First Appointment After Birth

After giving birth, your pediatrician will arrange a time to come in for an in-hospital visit to examine baby within 24 hours of birth. During the first check-up, your provider will:

  • Take measurements – baby’s length (height), weight, and head circumference will be recorded.
  • Assess baby’s development – At birth and every appointment thereafter, the doctor will ensure that baby’s development is on track. They will ask questions about baby’s behaviors, milestones, and if you have any concerns.
  • Psychosocial/behavioral assessment – Your provider will observe baby’s actions and reactions to rule out psychological or behavioral issues.
  • Physical exam – Baby will get a head-to-toe exam from the doctor at birth – as well as each visit from then on. Your provider will examine ears, eyes, mouth, skin, heart, lungs, abdomen, hips, legs, and genitalia to ensure they are all heathy. In the beginning, the provider will check the soft spots on baby’s head (fontanels), which typically disappear within 12-18 months when skull bones fuse together.
  • Perform a hearing screening – Your pediatrician will ensure baby’s hearing is at normal levels.
  • Newborn metabolic/hemoglobin screening – Baby will have a blood test – drawn from their heel – between birth and their two-month birthday.
  • Immunizations – Baby will receive a hepatitis B shot at birth.

3 to 5 Days After Birth

Your pediatrician will want to see baby between 3 to 5 days after baby is born to ensure everything still seems to be going well. They will measure baby to make sure growth is on track, ensure baby is eating enough, observe behavior and development, and perform a thorough physical exam.

1 Month Exam

At baby’s one month visit, your pediatrician will perform the basics, as well as optionally perform a TB (tuberculosis) test, and get their second dose of hepatitis B vaccine.

2 Months Exam

At baby’s two-month visit, your pediatrician will perform the basics, as well as administer the two-month immunizations.

4 Months Exam

At your child’s four-month appointment, you can expect the usual procedures, as well as hematocrit or hemoglobin screening, as well as four-month immunizations.

6 Months Exam

At their half birthday, the exam will include the usual procedures, as well as six-month immunizations, as well as optional screenings.

9 Months Exam

At your child’s nine-month appointment, the pediatrician will perform usual procedures and nine-month immunizations. They will also perform a development screening, which includes questions about baby’s growth and behavior, playing with baby to see how they behave and move. This will help the pediatrician determine if baby is learning skills at a normal rate, and whether they should receive additional testing.

One Year Exam

At your toddler’s one-year appointment, you can expect normal procedures, and another skew of 12-month vaccines.

15 Months Exam

As usual, your pediatrician will measure, checked for developmental growth, and get a physical exam. They will also receive their 15-month immunizations.

18 Months Exam

Your provider will perform the usual procedures with immunizations, as well as check for signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD’s). These are a group of developmental disorders that can affect a child’s behavior.

Two Years Exam

At your child’s two-year check-up, they will undergo the same procedures as usual, as well as receive any two-year immunizations.

Well-child check-ups are a crucial part of pediatric healthcare, ensuring that your child will grow up to be as healthy and happy as possible. By actively participating in well-child checkups, parents and guardians play an essential role in setting their child up for success.

Life doesn’t slow down because your child isn’t feeling well. We offer pediatric services in the five locations around Des Moines to provide convenient access to pediatric care. Find a clinic near you:

  • Ankeny
  • Downtown
  • Grimes
  • North Waukee
  • South Waukee
  • West Des Moines

Our experienced and friendly pediatricians go above and beyond to give your child the care they need across all stages of development. To schedule with a provider, you can schedule online or call 515.875.9000.